Thursday 13 February 2014


Well the anti-hunters of Narooma have set-up a new "Narooma Anti Huntfest" community, and already they're revealing the depths to which the anti-hunter will descend in order to promulgate his message of intolerance and hate. 

I could wax imaginative about these people for hours, but I'll just call them for what they are - prejudiced, deceivers of a community and cultural bigots. They are no better than the Nazis who misrepresented the Jewish culture in order to intrench hatred in a community and facilitate widespread violence in order to engineer the nature of that community.

I could provide no end of examples drawn from their Facebook community's posts, but let’s look at just two that they hang justification for their anti-hunter sentiment on. Dylan the Wambat and the plight of a baby koala.

The site's administrator and founder advises that a baby koala was shot no-less than 15 times by hunters....plural of course...always important it suggest that more than one hunter was involved when your motive is to mislead and evoke hate sentiment. Of course the founder doesn't provide a link to the story that might reveal actual details, scant though they may be, but I will, here

The baby koala was not shot 15 times by 'hunters', but once, by a person wielding a shotgun, resulting in multiple shot entry wounds. Absolutely deplorable, yes, but not 'shots' or the work of 'hunters' plural. Nothing among the facts suggests that a hunter of any kind was involved.

To claim that everyone who owns a firearm is a hunter displays a level of intellectual simplicity bordering on impairment. Just as it does to suggest that every law abiding firearms or bow owner is a danger to the environment.

I mean, why stop there? Everyone who owns a car is a hit & run driver! Every Priest is a paedophile! Every biker who owns a full-face helmet is a bank robber! Every Muslim who buys fertiliser is making bombs! And let’s not forget the administrator’s own assertion, also drawn from his hate-site; everyone who shoots animals with anything other than a camera is not "a real man". What is he then, a perhaps...a woman...impotent...what other prejudices does this statement thinly veil?

And on to Dylan the wombat (here) shot 5 times with a .22 calibre rifle, the standby of every owner of a rural holding. Again, a deplorable act and one that every hunter would condemn.

Where is the evidence that a hunter...or, for effect of course, “hunters” plural were involved? I’ll tell you where, in the administrator’s evil, manipulative, prejudiced little mind.

The number one assailant of the humble wombat is not hunters, but hobby farmers frustrated with the damage wombats do to fences. Can’t blame hobby farmers tho, oh no...they're the very people who picket logging roads and hunting shows and it would be counter productive to slight one's audience. Much better to blame a cultural minority that you just happen to hate.

So why the insistence on pushing the 'hunters' scenario? Well that’s easily explained. It is done for the same reason that people, upon learning that a car was broken into, think it is relevant to report that an ABORIGINAL was arrested for it.

It’s not enough to say that a thief was arrested, oh no. When one is a bigot, one must play the race and culture cards for added dramatic effect and justification for hating "them coons."

Well I am a hunter, and I'm a wildlife photographer too. I have never shot a native animal...not once, not 15 times...which is just as well given that I’m an archer, because I’m fairly certain that anything found with 15 arrows in it immediately acquires status as an honorary echidna.

If you think that what this site is doing to the community of Narooma is somehow different to those sites that stereotype and misrepresent gay et al culture, Muslims or refugees I suggest you go have a shave. Yes, a shave. And while you’re there, introduce yourself to a bigot. That’ll be the face looking back at you in the mirror!

Anyway, I'll get outaya way now...

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