Thursday 18 December 2014


I hope someday there will be a detailed scientific analysis and report on Sydney’s water supply. I've always wanted to know what makes folk up there so shallow and self-indulgent and the problem's so widespread I’m convinced it’s in the water.

Two complete strangers die in tragic circumstances and all Sydney has to buy a chunk of the grief by rushing into town to donate $25 worth of flowers to the hot pavement.

That’s $25 they wouldn't have had for the Smith Family at Christmas, mind you, or the Red Cross, sundry homeless shelters and other not-for-profits struggling to minister to the living during the “festive season” and so on.

Oh no...that's about helping one's fellow man. The Martin Place phenomenon is all about me-me-me-me-me!

I mean, there are cameras everywhere aren't there. I might get on the tele! Koshie might interview me - swoon!!

These folk propelled by an abiding need to be a part of something, anything special, are the same folk who’d raise merry hell at the idea of being hit an extra $1 a week in taxes to provide affordable housing for those in need.

Where’s the opportunity for immortality and being portrayed as a member of the enlightened sensitive elite in that?

Now of course we have the predictable call to ban guns so this can never happen again.

That’s a brilliant idea! Why didn't someone think of that before? And why stop there?

Let’s ban cocaine, ecstasy and Meth too!

Just for the record, if initial reports are correct, the gun used in the Lindt Cafe seige is illegal to own in Australia.

And as we now know for certain, the gunman never owned the firearms licence that one must own before police will issue an authority to purchase any gun, even legal ones.

Of course the solution to these dreadful events is simple. We should ban city folk!

Honestly, we country folk don’t have social problems to anywhere near the degree they flourish in the city environment.

Whenever there’s a drive-by shooting, an horrific gang rape, a massacre, a massive drug hall, biker wars or terrorist seiges etc etc ad nauseam, it’s invariably city based, so let’s get rid of them!

Someone recently told me the "outpouring of grief" symbolised by the floral tributes in Martin Place was one of "Australia’s defining moments”. If such moments are defined by shallow displays of “me too” self-indulgence whipped-up and promoted by the gang at “Sunrise” and associated media manipulators, leave me out of it.

The only "defining moment" to have occurred in Martin Place in the past week was the one where a good looking young Aussie bloke named Tori Johnson rekindled, if only for one tragic moment, the true spirit of selflessness Australians were once admired for the world over.

Those laying flowers in Martin Place today are not paying homage to his spirit of bravery and self-sacrifice. They are swept up in a fashion statement contrived by the media to ensure emotive fodder for their reports and endless cross-overs.

Anyway, I'll get outaya way now....

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Had not seen/read of this floral.... Your points are most valid.

    Will all these people write/be active about this matter that once again is so foreign to the Australian way of life!

    Repeatedly, people from this religious upbringing/background top the criminal lists throughout the World. Their way of life/thinking/values etc., that is sadly lacking in concern and appreciation for others way of life and opinions causes this never-ending clash with societies that they migrate too.

    WHEN is whichever Party is in Fed P'ment going to get it through their self-centred heads, that their MUST be a certain standard set for the people that are PUT into Australian society.

    People of this religious background top the list in the jails and if you ask WHY are they incarcerated, Violence against women and sex crimes - FACT. We pay over $60,000.00 a year for prisoners and yet these people are given carte blanche with their particular diet and prayer sessions throughout the day.

    The soin that we had over the years was that Migrants are here to adopt out way of life as that's why they came to Oz, not the Welfare system that is not possible in their own countries of origin, nor all the other goodies that are showered upon them, courtesy of pensioners going without Health & Dental care that their taxes paid for and many other areas of life have been cut back by Govt's and yet we still have put into the Oz communities still bring in people who are .PROVEN to be totally unsuited to living in Australia.

    And once more the so-called Justice system fails the community BADLY. This person should be in REMAND until a Court Hearing - Australia is still a very sick country with many of the mediocre Politician' s further displaying their sociopathic & inadequate characters in running this Country that should be top of the crop!

    All those people who gave so much in the Wars and before and after and the people who do their best and the "Right thing".

    And you are right to a degree about many people not giving at Christmas. I hope that many were doing this to bring some sort of attention to the fact that this IS MOST UNUAUSTRALIAN and that the MAJORITY are fed up with the direction that Oz has taken over the last 30 years.


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